Thursday, May 22, 2008


DO NOT try this game as it might have FATAL CONSEQUENCES.
You might be psychologically affected and thus physically affected.
If you know any friend playing, please help them before they go too deep into it.
Practice your judgement and be with GOD instead of the opposite.

Spooky Games :
This game to be played by 3 girls and 2 boys. Before midnight, enter a room with a big mirror where players are able to view everybody in the mirror. Form a circle with a girl, then boy, girl, boy, a girl.

When all are ready, all turn towards your right facing the back of the player on your right. Start walking in a circle. While walking, one of the girl may start blowing a gentle breath towards the neck of the player that she is facing. That playing will blow toward the one infront of him and so on.

What believe you might see or encounter :
One of the player will experience two blow on his/her neck. This person must tell the rest “it’s here” and immediately turn his/her back towards the mirror (that player do not look at the mirror). The rest of the player (the remaining 4) immediately look into the mirror and find out what is the extra “thing” you see. You might see 5 persons facing the mirror. You might see many facing the mirror. You might see…..who knows ????
Whatever you see, do not panic, do not run. All must say together “Go away” and turn around (back toward the mirror).

Don't let your love ones worry for you over a spooky game.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Headhunting is in modern time is prohibited worldwide. However, it is a practice that has taken place during the pre-colonial era. It happens in Japan, China, Indonesia, New Zealand, Philippines, ancient Europe etc. One that really stuns the world is ……THE SHUAR – The Headhunter Tribes in Amazon Basin.

The Shuar is a fierce warrior tribes that practice headhunting. All boys who had turn into man once they had their puberty would be lead by the experience elderly to go for headhunting to display manhood. They hunt for their enemy, killed and beheaded them, particularly those that invaded their territory.

The Shuar lives in rainforests and savannas of the Amazon. They are so fierce that non had taken them as colony. They believe that by stinking their enemy’s head, it blocks enemy’s spirit from using its powers to harm them back and they can attain the power of victim. The mouth and eyes are being sewed to prevent the spirit from escaping. It also served as a way of warning those enemies.

Trade in shrunken heads
In the 19 century, some westerner had managed to develop more trust and friendly relationship with the Shuar and manage to trade freely the Shrunken Human Heads. The Shrink Heads (known as Tsantsa) are being displayed at home as rare art piece or to show off to friends in dinner feasts. A stop was put to this when the Peruvian and Ecuadorian governments worked together to outlaw the traffic in heads.

Currently, replica shrunken heads made from leather are manufactured for tourist as ornaments.

The skull was removed from the head from the back of the head. Internal flesh was removed. Red seeds are placed underneath the eyelids and sewed them shut. The mouth was held and sewn shut. The Shuar will hold the hair of the head and boiled them in hot water. Water is hot but not boiling as boiling water will leads to hair falling off from the skull. It will then be dried with hot rocks and sand placing in the head. Preparer will mold the head to retain its human feature. Some decorative beads and items may be added to the head.

Shrunken head
(Courtesy to Science Museum, London)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


DO NOT try this game as it might have FATAL CONSEQUENCES.
You might be psychologically affected and thus physically affected.
If you know any friend playing, please help them before they go too deep into it.
Practice your judgement and be with GOD instead of the opposite.

This is a game my granny told me. She remember that she heard it from her elderly in her hometown. It is from a remote town in China.

The Game :
Play this game on a night that has no moonlight. Play it in your bedroom’s balcony. All you need is your bed and a doll (either you bought it yourself or a gift from others) to play.

First, you have to walk three rounds in your bedroom’s balcony with your usual walking speed. Then, you have to go to your bed and jump trice in front of your bed (any side) and slap your doll trice too. Hold on to the doll, lie down on your bed and sleep.

What believe you might see or encounter :
You might hear somebody / something knocking on your bedroom door.

My granny said nobody knows what happen next and nobody knows if it is dangerous as nobody dare to try. My granny told me coz she knows that I’ll never try games like that. Yes, she is absolutely right.

Don't let your love ones worry for you over a spooky game.

Monday, May 5, 2008


On 1947, July 7, recovery of materials near Roswell, New Mexico, USA was found which leads to endless and intense speculation, question and rumors. The views are so divergent. Some says that it is US military top-secret research balloon that crashed but many believe the wreckage was a crashed UFO craft. It is then rank the most famous UFO incident.

Videos are also flooding the internets showing “alien corpses” seen in the New Mexico desert. Whether it’s really the real thing or just dummies from medical lab(Aero Medical Laboratory at Wright Air Development Center, codename, "Area 51")…..Well……..believe it or not. You judge.

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